viernes, 15 de agosto de 2014


"Nyugati kék királykisasszony".
Flapperesque outfit for a secondary character (in a lesser known tale)
which looks and acts like me: confident, fair-skinned, her hair has a reddish tinge.
Inspiration came from both Sansa Stark and 20s flappers.

The third moved slowly, and as if she cared little what was thought of her, so confident was she of her pre-eminence. She wore a blue robe, and her face was pale and her eyes cold, though beautiful. And her hair had a reddish tinge, but yet she too was beautiful. And she was the Princess of the west.

Trying to juggle the balls for the engagement challenge...
she catches only two out of three.

Then the cold blue Princess came forward. She caught the balls better, but at the third throw, one of them rising higher than the others, she would not trouble herself to stretch her arm out farther, so it fell to the ground, and as the Prince turned from her likewise, a great silence came over the crowd.

Mrs. Mary Louisa Molesworth.

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