sábado, 11 de julio de 2015



Voice OverSo Miss Johnson returned to her typing and dreamed her little dreamy dreams, unaware as she was of the cruel trick fate had in store for her. For Miss Johnson was about to fall victim of the dreaded international Chinese Communist Conspiracy. (lots of little yellow men pour into the office) Yes, these fanatical thieves under the leadership of the so-called Mao Tse-tung (who appears in the animation) had caught Miss Johnson off guard for one brief but fatal moment and destroyed her. (Miss Johnson is submerged in a tide of yellow men) Just as they are ready to do anytime free men anywhere waver in their defence of democracy.
A sailing ship with American flag sails in over yellow men. Zoom in on the flag: Uncle Sam appears in front of it.
Uncle SamYes, once again American defence proves its effectiveness against international communism. Using this diagram of a tooth to represent any small country, we can see how international communism works by eroding away form the inside (diagram of tooth rotting from inside and collapsing) When one country or tooth falls victim to international communism, its neighbours soon follow. (the remaining teeth fall sideways into the gap) In dentistry, this is known as Domino Theory. but with american defence the decay is stopped before it starts and that's why nine out of ten small countries choose American defense ...
Different Voice Over... Or Crelm toothpaste with the miracle ingredient, Fraudulin! The white car represents Crelm toothpaste with the miracle ingredient, Fraudulin. (two cars in a bleak landscape) The non-white car represents another toothpaste. (the cars race of) Both toothpastes provide 30% protection. (they pass a banner: '60% protection') At 60% protection both toothpastes are doing well. And now at 90% protection the ... wait! (the grey car stops dead at the '90% protection' banner) The non-white car is out, and the Crelm toothpaste goes on to win with 100% protection! Yes, do like all smart motorists. Choose Crelm toothpaste.
Cut to 'Shrill' advertising man
'Shrill' ManOr Shrill Petrol with the new addititve GLC 9424075. After 6 p.m., 9424047. Using this white card (half of screen goes white) to represent Shrill's new additive GLC 9424075 - after 6 p.m., 9424047 - we can see how the engine deposits are pushed off the face of the earth by the superior forces available to Shrill. (shot, off) Aaaagh!
End of animation.

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